Site Update Information

After many expensive, difficult years with my web hosting service, I recently relocated my web site and email hosting to FatCow.  The price is 1/5 of what my previous service was charging me and they provide many more options for me with much less hassle.  I was able to get my WordPress blog updated to a MySQL version.  I also migrated my photo album to Coppermine which uses a MySQL backend and has much more functionality and security than the previous album software I was using.

Unfortunately, some things pretty much had to break during the migration.  I have been blogging since October of 2003 and am in the process of converting those broken blog entries that aren’t in my current blog into a month by month page format in my new blog.  I had to learn some fun, new (for me) Unix stuff to clean up the old files in a batch process rather than manually otherwise the project might have been more tedious than it was worth.

Anyhow, check up on the “Old Blog” page in a couple of weeks at which point I should have everything updated.  Hopefully you will find something entertaining.  Additionally, follow the link to my photo album to see  the new format and check for new pictures.  Lastly, the gallery photos on the right side of my blog should shortly pop up briefly a larger version of the image when you move your mouse over it.  I am coordinating with a woman in Britain to get the code to work with my photo album.

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