A Bird in the Binos…

I bought new binoculars specifically for birding just recently. I took them out for the first test today and was most impressed. The binos are Vector Viper’s, 10×42. Compared to my old Pentax binos I bought at the Navy Exchange on the Naval Post Grad School in Monterey, California, in 1989, the Vipers can practically see into the future!

I got out for a brief walk today in the neighborhood and spotted the usual Carolina Wrens and Chickadees, Robins, Cardinals, and Doves. I saw three blue Jays, which is good, they dropped out of circulation for awhile, an American Goldfinch, two pairs of Mallard Ducks, one, maybe two, Downy Woodpeckers, and a dead, partially eaten Raccoon.

The binoculars were awesome. To paraphrase from the Greaseman, you can see a tweeter’s peter with these things.

Odd Bald Eagle Sighting

I was looking out my office window today where I have seen red-shouldered hawks in the trees or on the light pole…saw one a couple of weeks ago eating a bird…when I saw what had to have been a bald eagle flying over. I lost sight of it and ran to the front of the building where I saw it again, unfortunately heading away from me. My office is about 4 or 5 miles from the Potomac River where I assume this bird was nesting. I’ve seen one a couple of times on the Potomac up near Point of Rocks but that is probably 15 miles upriver. Bottom line is that it was an exciting sighting.