Fleas’d Again?

Not really again but…  My cat got fleas, I believe since we moved into the new apartment, which really chaps me.  The place looked in great shape, freshly painted with new carpet.  My vet, who charged me $66 to deflea my cat (I guess I was fleeced again…) said that all kinds of people from my apartment complex come in there with flea problems…on their pets that is.

So Hamlet got dipped and I sprayed the apartment.  I should have bombed but am still in the process of putting things away and the bombing just sounded to onerous.  Apparently I will know within 21 days, the gestation period for the eggs, whether or not the debugging process worked.

“In” Vanity Plates

I saw someone driving the other day in a vehicle with the license plate “YBU BME.”  I may be wrong but that sounds like “Why Be You…Be Me.”  In my estimation, this person must have an awfully inflated sense of self-worth.  That’s something someone like Muhammad Ali, in his day, might have put on their license plate, if they could.  You might as well have a plate that reads “IM GOD!”

Grocery Store “Butt” foonery.

The last thing I want to see at the grocery store is someone sitting on the counter where I place my groceries prior to scanning them.  But when there is some kid who looks young enough to still be in diapers sitting there, I am likely to want to hurl.  What are people really thinking of?  It is bad enough that so many people are “self checkout” incompetent but do they really have to put “poopy boy” on the counter too?  They should have stools for the kids…

Scary, Inconsiderate Drivers

The other day while I was getting ready to take a left turn on a green light (not the green arrow), the fool who was across from me waiting to do the same thing, decided to go straight and cut right in front of me just when I was getting ready to make my turn.  The next day, while waiting in the left lane of two left turn lanes (green arrow only), the guy in the right hand left turn lane decided to take his left hand turn (on red) just as the opposing traffic was starting across the intersection.  WTF eh?

I TP’d My Dryer

I have been a bit dysfunctional lately as regards washing my clothes and…my accessories.  Not long after I got a new phone, I washed the phone along with my wallet.  I constantly throw pants in the washer with tissues in the pockets.  The other day I thought I was quite safe after having checked all the pockets in my pants prior to putting them in the washer.

However, I did not count on stupidity.  While putting clothes in the dryer from the washer, a roll of toilet paper fell off the dryer.  I thought that I put the roll back up on the dryer or on the shelf over the dryer.  Not!!! When I opened the dryer to take out my clothes, I found a mass of what I initially thought were tissues in the dryer.  “WTF” I said.  Then I realized I must have thrown the roll of toilet paper in the dryer rather than on top of the dryer.

Toilet Paper Fiasco
I TP'd My Dryer

Why Are Eggs in the Dairy Section?

According to the Merriam-Webster Online, a dairy is a farm and/or facility “concerned with the production of milk, butter, and cheese.”  I have never seen a chicken that could produce milk from which one could subsequently produce butter and cheese.  So why are the eggs in the dairy section?  Anyone…anyone?

Sl “apps” Happy iPhone Users

In the Washington Post article, “iPhone Apps for the Traveler,” dated May 16, 2010, Ross Arbes, endorses 15 apps for the iPhone using traveler.  I will comment on a few of them.

  • Maps – Buy a hard copy or print something out from Google or Mapquest or just access the sites on your iPhone.  Do we really need an app to replace competent services that are available to us on our web enabled device?  Familiarize yourself with where you are going before you get there.  It is generally very beneficial.
  • Cheap Gas (free) – First of all, cheap gas may be cheap but is is not free.  No driving directions to the gas station so what is the point.  What is that $1.50 savings per fill up in the wider scheme of things anyhow?  Especially if you are out of town.
  • ATM Hunter – ATM’s are everywhere…banks, fast food restaurants, convenience stores, gas stations, bars, etc.  Now an app for “Money (free)” would be cool.
  • Sit or Squat, public toilet finder – Public toilets are everywhere…banks (just kidding), fast food restaurants, convenience stores, gas stations, bars, etc.
  • EveryTrail, records route, speed and elevation using iPhone GPS and incorporates photos taken into the route – This presumably requires that you use the camera on your iPhone.  God forbid!  Give my my Nikon D60 any day.  Besides if you can’t remember where you took your pictures then they probably weren’t very good.
  • HearPlanet Lite, locates nearby sites and reads articles aloud from Wikipedia and Wikitravel – Get the relevant real Lonely Planet guide and read about it beforehand.  Bring the book with you to refine the experience on site.  Avoid noise pollution be it by headphone or speaker, especially by speaker.
  • Am I Safe (costs $.99), provides crime states for your area and classifies it as safe or not safe – Bam your mugged or dead. If you can’t figure that out by yourself or haven’t researched it in advance then you are effed.  Sorry.
  • iTranslate, can translate more than 50 languages  and voice translations out loud – Sounds pretty good but how do you input the foreign language?  Do you have to type it in?  Can someone speak the foreign language in and have it output in the desired other foreign language?

The GOP Wants to Penalize Me for Being Single?

In the Washington Post article dated May 16, 2010, “Conservative thinkers tout three innovative and controversial proposals,” Robert  Stein, who served as deputy assistant secretary for macroeconomic analysis in George W. Bush‘s administration, suggests that the tax code benefits retirees who didn’t have children.  His theory is that those individuals who marry and have children contribute more to the Social Security and Medicare systems because their children contribute to the system also.  More “buck for the bang” as it were…

Personally, I thought that what each individual pays into the Social Security benefits them as to the return.  Just because you as a parent have one or more kids paying into the system does not make you any more worthy.  While it might look good now to have more people paying into the system, those individuals are just as likely to avail themselves of the retirement benefits in the future as anyone else.

As a parent with children, one already gets significantly more Federal tax breaks than does a single filer.  It was always a quasi bone of contention with one of my military coworkers, who had four children, that he paid next to no Federal taxes after all his deductions while I, with no kids, have paid taxes for 32 years…allowed to take only the standard deduction.  To take it one step further,  non-parents have no children burdening the public school system which makes me wonder even more why there should be so many tax allowances for having children.  I am not really complaining but saying that childless taxpayers  who put less of a strain on and contribute more to the public well should pay more into Social Security and Medicare is a bit of a stretch.

I am am no tax specialist but to simplify what Mr. Stein suggests which is to up the child tax credit from approximately $1500 per year to $4000, here is how I would have made out on my Federal tax return in 2008 if I had had four children.  Could I really have had the government pay me $8000?  Just think, if I had ten kids, I could get paid $80,000 a year by the government.  What a concept, eh?  Right…the tax burden is just reduced to nothing.

File Status Deduction for Children Tax Burden
No Children $0.00 $8,000.00
4 Children (Current System) $1,500.00 $2,000.00
4 Children (Proposed System) $16,000.00 -$8,000.00

Trash On My Door Knob

Who is responsible for cleaning up all the trash that local businesses hang on my door knob?  I live in an apartment complex with open walkways so any maggot can come through and hang restaurant menus or solicitations on my door.

I hate those things.  They go right into my recycling bin though many other people might just trash them.  Lately, as a form of protest, I just leave them on the hall floor.  It speaks to the cleanliness of the complex in that the trash stays in the hallway for weeks without anyone cleaning up.

Can I, can anyone be they a renter or an owner, be responsible for cleaning up the trash that vendors and solicitors leave at their doorstep?  Can I save all the crap up for a year and send it back to the deliverer COD?